Port Hope History - Thomas Garnett
Thomas Garnett - 1850-1933.

from the Weekly Guide, December 8, 1933 - page 1.
Founded Contracting Firm Which Bears His Name - Was Outstanding Citizen.

Thomas Garnett, the oldest active contractor in this district, and one of Port Hope's outstanding citizens, passed away at Port Hope Hospital late Wednesday night.
Emigrating to Canada from his home in Essex County, England, the late Mr Garnett came to Port Hope sixty years ago where from an obscure start, he has built one of the most reliable and best known general contracting firms in this part of the province. A man of high ideals and integrity, his life and his work were founded on the highest principles, to which he rigidly adhered. The late Mr Garnett was in his eighty-fourth year and while he had not been feeling in the best of health for some time, he never complained and despite many suggestions that he should retire from the business he founded, in view of his age, steadfastly refused to "lay down his tools." As a young man in England the late Mr Garnett assisted his father in the making of bricks and later learned the butchering trade. Finally he settled upon bricklaying as a permanent calling.  A year after his arrival in Canada he returned to England where he married Rosa Welter, who predeceased him in February, 1925. At that time Mr Garnett worked at bricklaying and stone work in the summer and in the winter packed meat for John Curtis. Associated with him at that time were William Roskelly and the late B Pennington. At a later date his two sons joined him in the firm which now bears the name of Thomas Garnett & Sons. The late Mr Garnett is a former member of the Town Council, a former vice president of the Board of Trade and a director of the local Horticultural Society, in which he took a keen interest. A devout member of the Methodist and later the United Church, deceased was the oldest trustee of that church in Port Hope and one of its most valued members. An ardent horticulturist, deceased's home was a picture of loveliness, surrounded by every conceivable type of flower. Last summer in the annual competition by the Horticultural Society, Mr Garnett's garden was given first prize as the best amateur garden in Port Hope.
Among the buildings in Port Hope that have been erected by the Garnett firm are the following, which stand as a memorial to the man whose perseverance and courage, established the Garnett firm,: —Trinity College Junior School, Capitol Theatre, Country residence of the Hon Vincent Massey in Canton, Addition to Port Hope Hospital, The Guide Publishing Company building, Presbyterian Church, Mill Street, East Ward Public School, N L Irwin residence, Whitby, Bell Telephone Building, The Ambrose and Whislow Brewery, now used as a canning factory, , First section of Port Hope Sanitary plant, Thomas Wickett's residence and many others.
Deceased, is survived by two sons, William T Garnett and George W Garnett Port Hope and two daughters, Mrs R W Fitzsimmons and Miss Mabel, also of Port Hope. Six sisters, Mrs William Shaw, Mrs J Dench, Mrs J Richardson, Mrs W P Carruthers, all of Port Hope, Mrs H Wallace, Rochester, NY, Mrs E Duck, London, England and three brothers, William of Port Hope, Harry and Jonathan, of New Zealand also survive.

from the Weekly Guide, December 8, 1933 - page 8.
The wide esteem in which the late Thomas Garnett was held, was evidenced on Saturday by a large crowd which thronged the United Church to pay their last respects to one of the town's most outstanding citizens. Reverend D McTavish, of the United Church, had charge of the service, assisted by Reverend J T Daley.  Honorary pall bearers were, Mayor Crowhurst representing the Corporation, M U Ferguson, the Horticultural Society, L T Sylvester, the Hospital Trust, James Tape and A Fulford Sr, the Trustee Board of the United Church and George T Hancock, the Sons of England. The actual pall bearers, all members of the firm of Thomas Garnett & Sons, were, W Jiggins, T Friar, T Irwin, F Irwin, W Johns, and Walter Nicholls. Interment was made at Union Cemetery.


from The Evening Guide, March 16, 1925 - page 4.
The rocks are being gathered and brought to Central Park ready for building the fountain.

from The Evening Guide, April 29, 1925 - page 1.
Contractors to begin Work at Central Park as Soon as Material is available.
The Large stone fountain to be erected in Central Park will be built in the near future, according to a report presented at a meeting of the Park Commission on Monday evening. Thomas Garnett & Sons, who have the contract for the work, will proceed as soon as certain materials arrives. The Fountain when erected will be very decorative, and following the designs submitted to the Commission some time ago, will be pyramidical in shape and of considerable height.

from The Evening Guide, May 13, 1925 - page 2.
Thomas Garnett & Sons Commenced work on the new fountain at Central Park this morning. According to the designs, the completed structure will be most decorative, and will add quite a distinctive touch to one of our prettiest parks.

from The Evening Guide, June 1, 1925 - page 2.
The Fountain at Central Park has now been completed, with the exception of the spray cone. Constructed of various colored stones, set in concrete in a pyramid several feet high, the fountain presents a very pleasing appearance.



Thomas Garnett & Sons ad. From the Evening Guide August 13, 1930

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