
Miss H G Mackie

Glenda Adamson

Dorrie Alldread

Sheila Allin

Barbara Anderson

Brenda Brown

Gilda Croft

Linda Darling

Donna Dean

Sherry Holtby

Sharon James

Jane K

Brenda Kells

Maureen McCracken

Elizabeth Mitchell

Sharon Perdue

Judy Rose

Freda Stares

Eleanor Walls
Form News
Welcome to 10K! Actually, on the whole, we are a pretty good class.
Like every other class, we have some jokers. Ours are, Sherry H, Sharon P, Dorrie A, Brenda B, Glenda A and last, but not least, Maureen, (Peewee!) who is also our Student Council representative.
Elected Basketball captain this year is Donna D, who is also our GAA representative. Her co-captain is Barb A. Both girls are, besides, terrific players. Linda D, a full of fun type, is our volleyball captain.
In our happy, little group, we have a few quiet members. They are Brenda K, Sheila A and Eleanor W.
Besides these few, Sharon J, Gilda C and Jane K keep the class laughing with their comical antics.
Judy R is known as, 'the Kitchen's best friend' and Freda Stares is the class mathematician.
My name is Liz Mitchell and I'm not too hard to get along with either.
I would like to say, 'Good luck' to my classmates for the following year, in whatever they attempt.
Miss Mackie, our home room teacher, is a wonderful help to us. Like the rest of us, she is easy to get along with. In fact, she almost has to be that way to be able to put up with a class of practical jokers such as 10K.
Liz Mitchell