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Form News

It is 8:45 AM The class room door is stealthily opened by Mr Werner, and then in slinks David carrying his 'cello.
A loud crash is heard coming from the hall outside room 219 and Shirley jumps, afraid that someone else has broken her arm. She then breathes a sigh of relief - it was only Kathryn closing her ornery locker door.
Suddenly the bell rings and just in the nick of time Ralph and Bob, 9F's star atheletes, come running in out of breath after a strenuous basketball practise. Incidentally Bob is the Music Council Representative for the Junior Orchestra.
The desk pad is marked, but oh, how many are absent! A rush of cold air all but knocks you over, and you turn around to find that Ron has pushed the window open again. And next you hear voices, whispering, then coming nearer and there is a loud knock on the door Beverly and Carol rush in, late as usual because the bus was late again.
The phone rings, and Marilyn, looking very guilty is called to the Guidance Office. She soon comes back to inform Valerie, "Nothing is wrong and now it is your turn."
The classes move and just when the two minutes are up Elizabeth comes hurrying in. She is our girls' Athletic representative and had gone the long way to catch up with that 'certain someone'.
An announcement comes over the Public Address system and happily Paddy gets ready to leave to play on the Junior Girl's Basketball Team. Joan and Janice look longingly after her because she is going to miss a Social Studies test.
All eyes are on the clock which is nearing twelve noon. The bell rings and there is a mad rush for the door! Anita is the first one down to the cafeteria to help Miss Fick.
Little does the class know what is going to happen in English that afternoon. (Pat and Karen as usual forgot their books and have to go back to their lockers after them.)
Now it is time for the Public Speaking contest! Carolyn speaks first and notices John listening intently . He is our representative to the Drama Society. The tension in the class mounts as Irene starts to give her speech. Just as she says her first word a long, low, moan is heard. Immediately Ross jumps to his feet, "What is that?" he cries.
With a nervous laugh Jean suggests that it might be a bird, or maybe apiece of chalk squeeking. Joan goes to the door and looks up and down the long hall, but sadly reports that she can't solve the mystery.
Again it comes! This time it is louder than before. Mary who is from the country says that she has never heard a bird, or for that matter anything else that sounds like that.
It is Wayne, playing detective, who finally brings the culprit into the open. He orders Don to search the boys' pockets . Only one more boy to go - and then he finds it! A noise-maker left over from New Year's Eve is discovered in Dick's pocket. As punishment he is told to write a short poem about 9F. The teacher thought this little poem was excellent.

The 9F class of Port Hope High
Hold their aims to the sky;
'Though sometimes we appear to jest
Our class, 9F will do its best.

Carolyn Pollock