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Form News

For 9A especially , the year 1959-60 has been a trying but interesting year. For those from the country, the huge gym and maybe the large number of pupils in the school were something new and exciting. During school hours all of us had to become accustomed to the continual change from room to room. The Home Economics or the Industrial Arts rooms provided a break in a long hard day, because many of us have never before used the machines found there. When noon came, the large crowd which had gathered inside the cafeteria must have made us seem small at first, but we got used to it. Then, there was a more amusing side to the story. A certain student, who was showing off or trying to spite the teacher would be given an office detention, or maybe a swift crack on the head. The rest of us would silently sit in their desks, content with the other's defeat. But, perhaps you are anxious as to the members of our class.

NELDA ACKLAND - 'is our little scholar', thinks Mr Hass.
TOM ANDRUS - makes all the teachers rant and rave because he's always fooling.
DAVID BEHM - is the boys' AA rep and also a good football player.
DONALD BURGER - loved to play 'cars' in guidance until Mrs Roberts took away his car key.
JO-ANNE CAMERON - is the assistant representative for the Blue 'n' White and plays basketball.
ANITA CHURCHLEY - the girl who loves writing compositions but never wants to read them.
GAIL CLAYTON - plays basketball on the Junior team and is a lot of fun in class.
BILL DARRELL - enjoys shooting and chasing girls, especially Lauraine.
JUDY DEMILL - is still hunting for someone to protect her from those elastic-shooting villians; any dark handsome boy will do.
KATHERINE DOLLY - has a crush on John but has to compete with the other girls.
BRAIN DOUGLAS - was down with appendicitis and missed three weeks of school.
KLAAS HEYKOOP - is tops in cadets but would rather do Industrial Arts.
LINDA JULIEN - is a walking beauty parlour; she is still looking for her 'Waterloo'.
ROBERT KEYES - was surnamed 'the hilarious hick', but certainly has brains too.
BOB LEE - loves to skip school and tries very hard.
LAURAINE MANN - is the dramatic society representative and is noted for her ability to figure things out.
GLENDA MERCER - is another casualty; she got hit by a car this winter.
DAVID PECK - the class beatnik who calls everyone 'dad'.
BETTY PHILP - is the little farm girl who knows all about the farm - and boys.
JOHN QUANTR1LL - is the leader of the Smarty boys; they make a racket by blowing their Smarty boxes.
DOUG REED - gets paid to produce elastics and paper airplanes (His pay is detentions.)
RICHARD SCHOON - Blue 'n' White Rep and enjoys PHE periods.
SUSAN THOMPSON - lives for Social Studies classes and Mrs Ford.
NELLY UILKEMA - is a Dutch girl who always gets mixed up in Math. She is the girls' AA representative.
VERNA YEO - a cute little thing who tries to impress the boys.

Richard Schoon