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Form News

Wednesday Morning With 11B
Well, here we are again! It only seemed like yesterday when we all breathed sighs of relief and bid farewell to our school friends, but how the two months did fly and we are back again waiting anxiously for our names to be called. At last all the pupils were assigned to their separate forms and a grand reunion took place amongst friends who found themselves in the same form. It would take far too long to discuss all the forms separately so I will just concentrate on the form I was fortunate to be made a member of, 'llB'. To enable you to get acquainted with all the students separately I will take a typical Wednesday morning in the life of 'llB' and let you share with them their many laughs and sometimes sorrows.
The morning usually starts out with everybody having a visit with his neighbour before the final bell goes. This refers especially to the two Carolyns who are sometimes called 'The partners in crime' for they are always together no matter where they are. Then through the door comes Donna (Half awake as usual) who after having made her way to her seat, flops into it, to recover from her long tiresome walk to school. Mr Scott now makes his grand entrance and tells everybody to take his own seat. After opening exercises have been performed a knock is heard at the door and it is nobody else but Sandra who is a steady member of the line-up at the office getting notes signed.
The first class to start out the day right is French. Here is where Mary, Shirley and Dorothy have quite a time switching names, this sometimes causes quite a mix-up for you never know who will answer you when you ask one of them a question. John Sadler, our noted French genius who finds the French text does not contain sufficient knowledge for him, sits in class with his text closed waiting impatiently for the period to end. By the way, we have trouble trying to convince Mrs Meeking of this. Much to Mrs Meekings relief the bell goes and we proceed onto the next class with is History.
Here Norma, Marlean and Charlie, our great Historians, have a chance to let the world share with them their great knowledge of History which they had stored away in their brains the night before. Also it was Norma, a brave soul, who volunteered to have her parents as chaperons on our first form party. Marlean is an excellent sewer but she hardly finds time to do anything in Home Ec classes because Marion, Doris, and others hold a regular hen party which interferes with her work. Charlie should speak up louder instead of whispering to his desk; this is a crime quite a few of the rest of us are guilty of also.
In the typing room you should be prepared for almost anything. Every now and then there is an outburst from Sam who wrings his hands in despair and exclaims, "What is wrong with this typewriter anyway." Gary and Rodger are two very ambitious individuals who take great interest in all their work; this is shown in the way they very energetically tap away at their machines. The two great arguers who are preparing for the 'Keep Talking' quiz show are Wayne and John who are always arguing about one thing or another, especially in typing where their opinions on certain exercises differ. Jim Grimshaw, our champion typist, was left behind in the work because of an injury to his hand but he is ploughing bravely onward.
Math is the room which most people dread going into. But Grant, Ron and Graham seem to enjoy these classes. Ron always seems to be coming up with some new but awkward way to prove a question and Graham the noted football hero is right there to add his sometimes helpful advice. Grant is the HEAD of our class. He is kept quite busy lending notes, he also has trouble with his desk in French which seems to have spring fever (so he says).
In English David and Jack our two English experts have quite a time at the back of the room. David and Jack were the drivers of the wagons on the Hayride which was the social highlight of our fall season. In English especially, Bonnie and Johanna consult with each other for information; I don't think it is always about school. Judy the expert note passer does not need to exercise her profession in English because her accomplice sits beside her. Carol who is kept busy chasing after desk pads which are accidently, on purpose, left behind seems to enjoy English classes even though she forgets her text.
The bell finally goes for noon and '11B' joins the stampede to the cafeteria. But before I close this little account of a morning with '11B' I would like to leave a question with you which has been baffling our great scholars, Jim (the idion boy), Wayne Maybee (the expert skier), Tena (a girl in a hurry) and Judy (our all around brain); the very difficult question which we cannot find an answer for no matter how hard we try is - 'Why do all the teachers, especially Mrs Meeking, give a sigh of relief at the end of a period when we stagger on to our next class?"

Marie Ashton